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A Note from Connect Leadership

by Marty Edelman

Greetings fellow community members,

The year is coming to a close and that means it is time for our “Best of HPE 2021” issue. It is jam-packed with great content (as are all of our issues!) that should help you do your job better as you learn about new happenings in the HPE world.

As I look back on the year, I reflect upon how challenging it was, but I am happy to say that our user community remains strong. We had some great virtual events, amazing submissions to our publications, good activity in our social media accounts, and our Slack workspace.

The Connect Board of Directors is working hard to ensure that our community remains vibrant and useful to all of our members. We have some exciting things planned for the coming year and are always open to suggestions from the people that we serve. Feel free to share any thoughts you have with us via any of our channels and we will do our best to make things happen for you.

As the holidays approach please take time to reflect on the things that are most important to you, and take some time to enjoy the season.

Wishing everyone the best,
Marty Edelman
President, Connect Worldwide

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