wk1003mike/Shutterstock A funny thing happened on the way to the AI-promised land: People realized they needed data. In fact, they realized they needed large quantities of a wide variety of data and that it would be better if it was fresh, trusted, and accurate. In other words, people realized …
ArticlesArtificial IntelligenceDataLatest NewsTrending Now
Protecting your company’s information has never been more critical and requires cross-department buy-in
How to combat and understand the challenges.
Thought leaders weigh in on the biggest data privacy concerns related to AI.
C2 Spring 2022DataMission CriticalSecurity
Continuous Data Protection: The new imperative
by Ziv Kedemby Ziv KedemRecent world events have heightened concerns about data security. Stricter laws and increased risk of cyber attacks have forced businesses to prioritize data protection measures and implement them quickly.
C2 Winter 2021DataMission Critical
New Data Integrity Architectures for Mission Critical Systems
by Gravicby GravicThis article highlights some interesting work from Gravic Labs, Gravic’s Research and Development group, in the area of increasing the data integrity of mission critical systems. The article expands on our talk at The Connect NonStop TBC meeting in October 2021, and is a continuation of the topic that …
In a game of chess, skilled players need to think in two ways at once. Tactically, they need to be able to respond to the immediate situation on the board, countering threats and finding ways of putting pressure on their opponent. Strategically, they need to see into the future …
C2 Winter 2021DataData Security
Getting Started with Data-centric Security
by Dan Simmonsby Dan SimmonsWith a proliferation of cyber-attacks throughout the pandemic, data-centric security has been pushed to the forefront of many organizations’ cybersecurity strategy. Even companies with mature security programs are vulnerable to breach, and since data is a valuable asset, it is crucial to properly protect it. The importance of securing …
C2 Winter 2021CloudDataHPE GreenLake & AIStorage
HPE GreenLake edge-to-cloud platform brings the cloud to you
by Flynn Maloyby Flynn MaloyAfter years of working in cloud environments, we’ve come to expect some basics that we collectively refer to as the “cloud experience.” For example, scalable capacity that’s ready when you need it, and the ability to easily click and spin up new instances. In short, we expect a point-and-click …
ArticlesArtificial IntelligenceC2 Winter 2021DataData SecurityDevOps
Democratization of AI in the Enterprise
The democratization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) makes it easier for organizations to transform their business with AI. It wasn’t that long ago that applying AI to transform a business required a lot of technical expertise and hiring resources from a scarce talent pool. Let alone the expensive infrastructure to …