Editor’s Letter

by Stacie

Together is a wonderful place to be.


Welcome to the Summer edition of Connect Converge

The countdown to HPE Discover 2022 is on. And It goes without saying that Connect looks forward to seeing you on the show floor. Come by our community lounge and say hello, interact with Michael Angel Paws therapy dogs and witness firsthand the healing power of the humane-canine relationship. Find us in DEMOS 702 and 703 next door to our friends at the Hack Shack.

But wait, there is much more; register for one of many Connect Tech Forums to learn how businesses solve their IT challenges with solutions powered by HPE.


In this issue, meet Mohan Ragagopapan, Vice President and General Manager of HPE Ezmeral. Read “Listening to leaders: Modern solutions to hybrid, multi-cloud data analytics” and learn why customer engagement is his passion and how the HPE Ezmeral team strives to help end-users and builders advance and simplify software development from start to finish.

If HPE Discover is on your radar, join Mohan and industry leaders in a CXO forum focused on adopting best practices in turning your business into an analytics factory. (Customer Conversation: How to Turn Your Distributed Business into an Analytics Factory.)
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Check out the 3-day action-packed agenda and register today. Connect members save $300 with this link.

Read on for more technology news, insights, and how-to content.  If you have a technical hands-on or inspiring customer success story to share- please send it our way.

See you in Las Vegas.

Stacie Neall

Managing Editor

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