Home Articles HPE Shadowbase Presents on High Availability and Digital Resilience at OZTUG25

HPE Shadowbase Presents on High Availability and Digital Resilience at OZTUG25

by Gravic, Inc.
HPE Shadowbase Presents on High Availability and Digital Resilience at OZTUG25


The OZTUG NonStop Technology Summit 2025 was held on March 4(Sydney) and 6(Melbourne). This year’s theme was NonStop – the Next Gen Reloaded. Paden Holenstein and Ken Scudder presented on HPE Shadowbase, where they laid out an exciting roadmap for HPE Shadowbase innovations including Digital Resilience, Zero Data Loss, and Heterogeneous Compare.

They discussed ransomware attacks and new government initiatives, like the Australian Cyber Security Strategy, which are driving the need for new data protection and recovery architectures (including air-gapped systems, bare-metal recovery, immutable storage, and data vaults) to enable rapid data recovery with transactional consistency to a trusted state.

HPE’s NonStop offering is continuing to evolve. At the event, HPE presented the strategy, direction and progress of NonStop technology offerings and the product roadmap. HPE also covered how it works together with HPE Shadowbase on protecting systems against increasing threats in security, and how to ensure business continuity and manageability.

For decades, NonStop customers around the world have relied upon Shadowbase solutions for High Availability for their mission critical systems, and providing the most advanced digital resilience capabilities. It is an interesting time to be in the NonStop community! If you would like us to present this presentation to you or your staff, please contact us.

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Stay in Business by Protecting Your Data – Your Most Valuable Asset

Gravic Shadowbase | Zero Daata Loss

In the January/February issue of The Connection we announced two new synchronization facilities: HPE Shadowbase Zero Data Loss and the HPE Shadowbase DoLockStep Synchronization Facility. Our Development Team has been hard at work and is excited to announce that both of these Synchronization Facilities are now released under Controlled Availability.

Many NonStop customers have never experienced a catastrophic outage and its consequences.

  • Understanding these implications, and in particular lost data, is critical to assessing business risk.
  • Most customers have a backup system and a data replication engine; however, they are at serious risk of losing some of their critical data if a failure occurs, because they rely on Asynchronous Data Replication Technology.
  • Transactional data can be lost during a source system failure since data committed on the source may not have been yet replicated to the backup due to replication latency – even a few seconds can result in thousands of lost transactions!

However, by using Synchronous Replication, like HPE Shadowbase Zero Data Loss (ZDL), no committed data loss occurs during a source system failure.

Additionally, the new HPE Shadowbase DoLockStep capability allows the application and the replication engine to synchronize their application processing across critical points. In some environments, this synchronization may be sufficient to protect valuable data. Shadowbase DoLockStep was designed to enhance and replace the functionality provided in the RDF DOLOCKSTEP feature. Please contact us for more information about HPE Shadowbase ZDL and HPE Shadowbase DoLockStep.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise globally sells and supports Shadowbase solutions under the name HPE Shadowbase. For more information, please contact your local HPE Shadowbase representative or visit our website. For additional information, please view our Shadowbase solution videos: https://vimeo.com/shadowbasesoftware, or follow us on LinkedIn.

Specifications subject to change without notice. Trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. Copyright © Gravic, Inc. 2025.

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