Home The Connection NonStop Trends & Wins

NonStop Trends & Wins

by antoniettamuse

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]In my first column on trends and wins in NonStop it is only fair to point out that I am not in product management. I am not in sales management. I am not in development. I have held various positions over my 30+ years working for NonStop. I have assisted in many sales over the years and have a continuous interest in where and how NonStop might be used. I have worked with Labs and development on projects to showcase NonStop in new and exciting areas. But the point is the information in this column is mine and reflects my thoughts on where NonStop might wander.

Virtual NonStop is still in the early stages but I am aware of several Proof of Concepts (PoC) testing this capability. The NonStop Division demonstrated Virtual NonStop at the 2017 Bootcamp, using OpenStack and at the 2018 Bootcamp using VMWare. The promise was that a customer could run NonStop using whatever platform (servers and storage) that they wished. One PoC has completed doing just that with another getting ready to start. Of course, all official virtual NonStop testing will use HPE servers and storage and we highly recommend our own companies servers and storage, but the hardware is no longer fixed. This shows a strong belief in the longevity of NonStop and a desire to position themselves to take advantage of NonStop SQL products, In-memory cache, mission-critical Blockchain and the other new features being introduced on the x86 version of NonStop.

This also positions them to consider virtual NonStop at some point since the Hybrid x86 and virtual NonStop share the same codebase Lxx. Greenlake is an offering from HPE to build a private cloud on premise in a customer’s data center and maintain the hardware while charging the customer for usage only. It is consumption based pricing like the public cloud offerings but in your own data center without the concerns of multitenancy and other public cloud drawbacks. It is early on but there do not seen to be any technical hurdles to a NonStop Greenlake offering so stay tuned.

It is a great start to 2019.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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