It’s more than 20 years since the idea of cyber hygiene became the go-to analogy for anyone trying to explain the importance of keeping data and computer systems safe from viruses and other cyber infections.
And one of the earliest and most notable mentions is by internet visionary Vince Cerf. It can be traced back to a speech he made in 2000.
Addressing a US federal committee on the benefits and potential threats posed by the Internet he said: “most of the vulnerabilities arise from those who use the Internet-companies, governments, academic institutions, and individuals alike — but who do not practice what I refer to as good cyber hygiene.
“They are not sufficiently sensitive to the need to protect the security of the Internet community of which they are a part. The openness of the Internet is both its blessing and its curse when it comes to security,” he said.
Skip forward to today and these comments are just as valid — more so — than when they were first made. What’s more, the analogy has also stood the test of time.
Cyber hygiene is common sense
After all, good cyber hygiene — like our own personal health — is essential for any business that wants to protect itself from cyber threats and keep its systems and data secure. It’s like brushing your teeth every day to maintain good oral hygiene and a winning smile.
By implementing good cyber hygiene practices, businesses can brush up against the risk of cyber-attacks and protect their sensitive information and systems from unauthorised access and exploitation. This includes regular digital flossing such as updating software and operating systems, using strong passwords and two-factor authentication, backing up important data, using anti-virus software, and monitoring network activity.
Why Most Organisations Don’t Need to Worry — Yet
The good news is that while this cybersecurity threat is real, it is unlikely to happen any time soon with most experts predicting that we’re still a decade or so from it being a problem.
What’s more, Western governments and companies are already working together to prepare themselves for a time when quantum computing becomes a reality.
In the US, for example, President Biden has already signed into law the Quantum Computing Cybersecurity Preparedness Act, which encourages federal agencies to adopt technology that is protected from decryption by quantum computing. And where the US leads, others will follow.