Home 2024 Tips for bulk onboarding of users in HPE Greenlake

Tips for bulk onboarding of users in HPE Greenlake

by Chris Purcell

It’s great to see the HPE GreenLake platform becoming an essential item in many companies’ cloud strategies today. And with more customer usage comes many questions about how to onboard users onto the platform. I came across this interesting blog the other day that I wanted to share with you. It covers bulk onboarding of users in the HPE GreenLake edge-to-cloud platform, authored by Didier Lalli from the HPE Dev Community. The blog describes using the HPE GreenLake console to invite hundreds of collaborators as tedious and error-prone – so an API comes to the rescue. The API allows you to write a script that reads a list of users from an Excel spreadsheet and automatically invites these users to access the HPE GreenLake platform. There are a lot more tips in the article, which I hope you find useful.


Houston, TX

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