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4 ways at-risk IT employees can navigate automation and potential job loss

by Dr. Cortney Warren

Emotionally resilient people are deliberate in their response to painful experiences. They allow themselves to grieve, remind themselves of what they are grateful for, and focus on what they can control in the moment.

But as a Harvard-trained psychologist, I’ve seen so many people struggle with this. It takes effort, practice and mental strength.

If you use any of these phrases every day, you are more emotionally resilient than most:

1. “I can get through this.”

Emotional resilience is associated with grit and mental toughness. There is an understanding that we have to be strong and overcome adversity without letting it break us.

Similar phrase: “As much as I hate this, I can survive it.”

2. “I’m not going to let myself be a victim.”
Being resilient means that when you experience the pain of mistreatment, you shift your perspective from “I’m a victim and powerless to help myself” to “How can I grow from this?”

Similar phrase: “Even though I was a victim in this situation, I won’t let it define me or ruin my future.”

3. “Life is hard.”
Resilience is associated with a basic acceptance that life isn’t always fair, and that we all experience emotional hardships. Accepting this truth helps people to not take things as personally when undesirable events happen.

Similar phrase: “I won’t always be happy with how things play out. But it’s part of the journey.”

4. “What can I learn from this?”
Openness to experiences and the ability to shift your perspective from “Why did this happen to me?” to “What can I take from this to help me grow?” can help you better navigate through life’s inevitable ups and downs.

Similar phrase: “There’s always a gift, even in the darkest experiences — I just need to figure out what it is. How can I use this experience to empower and transform me?”

5.  “It is what it is.”
The key to resilience is not denying reality or seeking out a reason that makes us feel better about why something happened. When we arrive at a place of radical acceptance, the situation has less power over us.

Similar phrase: “I have to see reality for what it is, even if it’s not what I want, so I can move forward.”

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