Home previous-editionsC2 Fall 2021 A Note from Connect Leadership

A Note from Connect Leadership

by Marty Edelman

Greetings fellow community members,

As summer gives way to fall, our thoughts naturally turn to all things security (I bet you were thinking I was going to say Pumpkin spice drinks). It is impossible these days to surf the web, read a newspaper (they still exist, right?) without seeing how some poor company has been attacked and either their systems are offline due to a ransomware attack, or their customer’s data has been stolen. In this issue, we have a ton of great content that will help you not end up as a trending story.

As the Covid pandemic keeps getting worse, remember that you have a community of like-minded folks that you can turn to for help and advice during these confusing times. Drop into our Slack channel and just say hi to the other folks, or post/answer a query from your fellow members. It will help you stay connected to the outside world, and you might even make some new friends.

Check out our archives in the top right of Connect Converge’s navigation bar. It contains a ton of great content that you can peruse to see what other folks are doing, and if you feel so inclined, please feel free to create some that we can include in our great publications.

Wishing everyone the best,
Marty Edelman
President, Connect Worldwide


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