Home previous-editionsC2 Summer 2021 A Note from Connect Leadership

A Note from Connect Leadership

by Marty Edelman


The light we see at the end of the tunnel isn’t a train!

With fingers crossed, it looks like most of the world is digging out from the pandemic and beginning to contemplate life in a post-covid world. Things will probably never go back to the way they were before, but one of the constants in this world is that you either evolve or die. We at Connect chose to evolve (as I hope you do too), and have been busy at work on the HPE Discover conference along with our NonStop Technical Boot Camp, which will be a great show this year.

HPE has navigated the swift water of the pandemic and seems poised to come out the other side better for it. They have proven that they can support us, their customers, while the entire company was working remotely. I have not heard a single story about how the support we expect from HPE was diminished the last year; that is amazing.

As more places get a firmer handle on the pandemic, we can hopefully start to do more things face-to-face and your user group will work hard to ensure that we help to facilitate that. For now, we will continue to do things virtually, so please be sure to visit our Slack channel to see what your fellow members are up to.

This issue of Connect Converge, as usual, has some very timely and informative content that I am sure you will enjoy. We are always on the lookout for great content, if you’d like to contribute please let us know.

Best regards,
Marty Edelman
President, Connect Worldwide


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