Neil Correa

Neil Correa is a Cyber Security Strategist within the security line of business of Micro Focus, known as CyberRes. His focus is building cyber resilience strategies and solutions for organizations to enable secure business outcomes, with industry expertise in Healthcare, Retail, Telecommunication and Public Sector/Open Government. Neil provides strategies and solutions across the following areas: resiliency planning, privacy operations, governance, security operations, data governance and security, strategic advisory, governance, compliance, business risk, go to market planning, thought leadership and digital transformation. 

When it comes to Digital Transformation, Don’t Forget Security

Digital transformation (DX) is the natural evolution of traditional business operations allowing organizations to capitalize on the full capabilities of our technological advancements, meet consumer expectations and keep competitors at bay (or at least be on par with them). DX isn’t just a cookie cutter deployment of on-prem systems migrated to the ‘cloud.’ In fact, that in itself may be considered a terrible cloud migration strategy resulting in more risk and costs (leaky S3 bucket anyone?).
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