Artificial Intelligence

Welcome to the Era of BadGPTs

A new crop of nefarious chatbots with names like “BadGPT” and “FraudGPT” are springing up on the darkest corners of the web, as cybercriminals look to tap the same artificial intelligence behind OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

Just as some office workers use ChatGPT to write better emails, hackers are using manipulated versions of AI chatbots to turbocharge their phishing emails.

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Democratization of AI in the Enterprise

The democratization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) makes it easier for organizations to transform their business with AI. It wasn't that long ago that applying AI to transform a business required a lot of technical expertise and hiring resources from a scarce talent pool. Let alone the expensive infrastructure to achieve such a feat. And something that only larger organizations can afford and justify as they are working on solving significant problems.
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The Flip Side

Those who know me know that I am obsessed with experimenting with new digital collaboration platforms and technologies. These days I’m especially intrigued with those that can help build trust, reduce loneliness and strengthen social connectivity; and, in so doing improve employee engagement, cross-functional collaboration, and organizational culture health. These topics are on everyone’s minds as companies envision much more remote or hybrid remote work becoming much more permanent due to the pandemic.
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Discover HPE’s new building block for digital transformation

If there is one realization enterprises around the world reached last year, it is the fact that digital transformation can’t wait. In responding to the COVID-19 crisis, companies faced starkly different realities based on how much—or how little—they had advanced their digital transformation journeys. Some were caught without any scalable remote working technologies, while for others, even if disruptive, the move to a working-from-home model was relatively straightforward.…

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Conversational AI with Transfer Learning


I recently joined Stephen Foskett from Gestalt IT on a video podcast to discuss “Improving AI with Transfer Learning”. This podcast is part of a series of podcasts on “Utilizing AI”. The series focuses on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) practical applications in the modern enterprise data center and cloud infrastructure.

The full description and the link to the podcast can be found here.…

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