Home previous-editionsC2 Spring 2022 Customer Success Story: Seamless and Secure Work From Home Solution at AMOCO Federal Credit Union

Customer Success Story: Seamless and Secure Work From Home Solution at AMOCO Federal Credit Union

by Alexandria Boecker

“Mobius is a trusted partner. To me that’s the most important part is the trust. I know they’re going to get the job done. I know they’re not going oversell me on anything. It’s been a great partnership. Most of the VARs we’ve come across are focused on the “R”- the Resell. Möbius is really focused on the value add. They really are a partner. When I tell my boss that I’m getting over to Möbius he feels a lot better.”

PAUL LADD, VP of Information Systems & Technology at AMOCO FEDERAL CREDIT UNION


AMOCO Federal Credit Union (FCU) is based in the Houston, Texas area, where the state’s oil and natural gas thrives along the Gulf Coast. Serving nearly 93,000 members, the credit union’s reputation for impeccable service and a focus on developing trusted relationships among its members and its own team have earned it accolades and, more significantly, member-driven referrals.

The process of ensuring the system and data security AMOCO FCU’s members expect was challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic and the work-from-home shift. The credit union was not going to risk its members’ data integrity nor its own reputation by remaining passive and potentially vulnerable.

AMOCO FCU’s leadership knew they needed a technology partner who could support their credit union and workforce on multiple data and systems security fronts. And they knew Möbius Partners was the right choice for them.

The challenges AMOCO FCU faced included:

  • Creating secure connections for remote and working-from-home users
  • Increasing visibility and control across its entire IT infrastructure
  • Protecting the entire enterprise – branch offices and its datacenter – from internal and external threats to its systems.

Möbius Partners helped AMOCO FCU address those challenges by leveraging industry best practices and implementing Aruba Networks Remote Access Points (RAPs).

AMOCO was running a POC of RAPs when COVID-19 was forcing everyone to work from home. It was a great segue into implementing that into a production environment.

Their primary challenge was protecting our network when bringing it into employees’ homes where there could be anything on those networks. Aruba gave them peace of mind. The end users our users love them, because they’re convenient, you open your laptop, and you’re on our network, which is a blessing.

Möbius Partners was able to run through different products and scenarios, we’ve had some of our services team come in, and really help drive their solution tailored to their concerns around about security around their network. Where they previously had some gaps, Möbius Partners was able to fill those in.

Check out Aruba’s remote access solutions for business continuity here. If you have questions, please email info@mobiuspartners.com. To stay up to date on news, events, case studies, podcasts and more, subscribe to our newsletter here.


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