Editor’s Letter

by Stacie

“A winning effort begins with preparation.”
– Joe Gibbs


Welcome to the Spring edition of Connect Converge

In this issue of Connect Converge, Ziv Kedem, Zerto Vice President/General Manager, shares the escalating concerns about data protection and how to successfully change the course of growing ransomware threats. With intensified and fast-growing threats, Ziv focuses on the importance of building an effective CDP strategy that ensures continuous availability. Read the feature, “Continuous Data Protection: The new imperative.”

We are counting down the days to HPE Discover 2022, The Edge-To-Cloud Conference, June 28-30. To register and learn more, check out the three action-packed days in Las Vegas!

Share your customer success story with your HPE User Community at Discover.

Don’t miss your opportunity to earn a complimentary pass to HPE Discover and to participate in the Connect Tech Forums in the Connect booth. Connect Tech Forums are a powerful and personal opportunity to learn how businesses solve their IT challenges with solutions powered by HPE.

Keep reading for more technology news, insights, and how-to content.  If you have a technical hands-on or inspiring customer success story to share- please send it our way.

Thank you for sharing your technical expertise and your time with your HPE user community.

See you in Las Vegas!

Stay Connected,
Stacie Neall

Managing Editor

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