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Editor’s Letter – Summer 2020

by wileybeale002


“In the rush to return to normal, use this time to
consider which parts of normal are worth rushing back to.” 

— Dave Hollis

Welcome to the Summer issue of Connect Converge

It can be challenging to catch a breath or a break these days. I have worked from home long before the 2020 directive. Before 2020 my routine was simplistic. All of you seasoned WFH folks know the drill. But today’s remote office is a bit different. Today I seek out the quiet places, just this past week I have taken two conference calls in the comfort of my closet. Who would have believed the closet would become my happy place. The place that muffles the barking dogs, and the all too familiar, “mom, where are you?”

Between what often feels like an always-on work schedule and defining our new normal, the Connect community is ready for the kickoff of HPE Discover Virtual Experience starting on June 23. On the right is a snapshot of what you will see.

Until we meet again in person, please take good care or yourself and your families. As always, we thank you for your engagement and for sharing your technical news, insights, and how-to content with your HPE user community.

Stay Connected,
Stacie Neall

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