data discovery

Digital Data Hoarding

I have recently had the misfortune to spend a lot of time watching daytime TV due to catching Covid, despite being fully vaccinated and boosted it put me out of action. Luckily as I write this, I seem to be through the worst of it.
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To bring strategy back into your security, turn to chess

In a game of chess, skilled players need to think in two ways at once. Tactically, they need to be able to respond to the immediate situation on the board, countering threats and finding ways of putting pressure on their opponent. Strategically, they need to see into the future and understand how their moves might open up vulnerabilities that their opponent can exploit later down the line, and make sure they have a plan in place to respond. In short, it’s as much about avoiding unintended outcomes as it is about achieving intended ones – and learning to see the board in this way doesn’t happen overnight.
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Balancing Agility with Data Security

Agile development is known for well-paced development cadences with short, quick sprints. These fast bursts are typically focused on ensuring something of value (functioning code) gets done in a short amount of time, allowing for new features and functionality to be available in the product on a regular basis. As opposed to the traditional, slower forms of software development, with releases methodically planned and executed over many months or even years, Agile keeps the focus on speed, user feedback, and iterative refinement.
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