Public cloud

Building a container strategy―13 potholes to avoid

Containers and the rise of Kubernetes is the most talked-about, most impactful IT technology today. Containers give enterprises the ability to do amazing things, like build applications faster, move workloads between platforms, and optimize their environments.

Used correctly, containers open the agility doors of the organization and enable teams to build solutions faster than ever before. But, as anybody who’s implemented a new technology knows, pathways aren’t always smooth.…

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Run containers on bare metal or VMs, on any cloud, or at the edge

According to a recent IDC survey,[1] the enterprise market is at a roughly 50-50 split between running containers on-premises (51.55%) versus in the public cloud (48.45%). The same report found a similar 50-50 split when it comes to running on-premises containers on bare metal servers versus on virtual machines (VMs). The survey respondents reported that 51.79% of their containers are on VMs, while their containers on bare metal total 48.21%.
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