Thomas Gloerfeld

Why it’s Time to Get Proactive About Security

Of all the business risks facing organizations today, cyber-attacks were recently highlighted by executives as the most serious. That’s a heartening sign that awareness levels at the very top are at least improving. But it’s too soon to get carried away. In fact, separate research reveals that many organizations still treat security as an afterthought, until they’re breached.

It’s 2022 and organizations can do better.…

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Balancing Agility with Data Security

Agile development is known for well-paced development cadences with short, quick sprints. These fast bursts are typically focused on ensuring something of value (functioning code) gets done in a short amount of time, allowing for new features and functionality to be available in the product on a regular basis. As opposed to the traditional, slower forms of software development, with releases methodically planned and executed over many months or even years, Agile keeps the focus on speed, user feedback, and iterative refinement.
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‘New Nacha supplementing data security requirements coming up’

Nacha is a non-profit organization that convenes hundreds of diverse organizations to enhance and enable electronic payments and financial data exchange within the U.S. and across geographies. Through the development of rules, standards, governance, education, advocacy, and in support of innovation, Nacha's efforts benefit the providers and users of those systems. Nacha leads groups focused on API standardization, authors the Quest Operating Rules for EBT, and is the steward of the ACH Network, a payment system that universally connects all U.S. bank accounts and facilitates the movement of money and information. In 2020, nearly 27 billion payments and close to $62 trillion in value moved across the ACH Network.
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Robust security strategy for your hybrid IT

What Is Hybrid IT? At its most basic level, hybrid IT is a blend of cloud-based and on-premises IT services. When applications and data were all maintained on-premises (or in-house) standardization was a best practise and security was much simpler. Now that the business and IT are realising the benefits of cloud services, hybrid IT is the common strategy. The new benefits of agility and flexibility brought by hybrid IT come at a cost… How do we keep these more vulnerable applications and data secure?
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