Kelly Baig

Kelly Baig has more than 25 years in various high-tech roles, including consulting, channel management, product management, and marketing. Among her technology areas of interest are storage and data management, high availability, cloud and hosting, networking, and mobility and wearable technology.

Enabling people to work with technology more effectively — a transformative approach to talent enablement


For many, technology transformation is almost universally held back by the readiness of people within their teams to operate in the transformed environment. Many customers who have embraced new technology, to increase their agility and flexibility, have encountered challenges with their transformation efforts.  The impact can be significant delays in their progress and sometimes a complete halt. The primary challenges for many is finding the required talent, in equipping their teams with the necessary skills to build and manage these complex environments, and often in overcoming the resistence inherent to the challenges that occur when people confront change.

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Responses to HPE Digital Learner and blended technical training opportunities

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]HPE is on a journey with our customers, to introduce digital learning and blended learning experiences. The responses have been overwhelmingly positive – and surprisingly varied. In this article, I will share some of these responses as examples of how Education Services are changing shape as our customers change their training requirements.

eLearning is not new to the world of technical training, having been offered in some form since CBTs in the 80’s.…

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Education Corner



In the Spring of 2017, Deloitte published their annual Human Capital Trends survey. In it, they reported that:

    • Skills development is the #2 topic on the minds of CEOs and HR leaders
    • 83% of organizations rate this topic as  important
    • 54% of organizations rate this topic as urgent

In contrast to this need, however, many organizations report having challenges with obtaining all of the technology training that their IT teams and technical professionals require.…

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