Mission Critical

New Data Integrity Architectures for Mission Critical Systems

This article highlights some interesting work from Gravic Labs, Gravic’s Research and Development group, in the area of increasing the data integrity of mission critical systems. The article expands on our talk at The Connect NonStop TBC meeting in October 2021, and is a continuation of the topic that we presented in the July/August 2017 issue of The Connection[1].…

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XYPRO – Best of NonStop 2021

Have we become numb to the news of security breaches? Unfortunately, the attacks on our businesses, personal lives and even global infrastructure are not slowing down. Cybercrime is up over 600% during the pandemic. According to Verizon’s 2021 Data Breach Investigation Report, 61% of cyberattacks targeted credential theft. This far surpasses personal, banking and payment card information which have been primary targets for years. The cybersecurity industry has responded with a variety of ways to protect sensitive data with regulations, technology, and awareness, which has forced attackers to look for easier targets, such as usernames and passwords.
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XYPRO and HPE Partner to Provide ZERO Trust Security for HPE NonStop

Arecent industry phishing report showed that 4% of users are prone to click on anything sent to them. That is a scary statistic given that phishing is one of the primary methods ransomware attacks are carried out. Ransomware is extremely damaging for a business due to its relatively low cost to execute and high value rate of return. Four percent might seem like a low number, but just one user falling victim to a phishing attempt is one too many.…

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GDPR 2021 – Compliance and Penalties; 3 Years Later

The General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, is a major piece of legislation adopted in 2018. It is designed to address the protection and responsible use of every European Union citizen’s personal data. However, GDPR is not an EU-only regulation. It affects ANY business or individual handling the data of EU citizens, regardless of where that business or individual is based.
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Balancing Agility with Data Security

Agile development is known for well-paced development cadences with short, quick sprints. These fast bursts are typically focused on ensuring something of value (functioning code) gets done in a short amount of time, allowing for new features and functionality to be available in the product on a regular basis. As opposed to the traditional, slower forms of software development, with releases methodically planned and executed over many months or even years, Agile keeps the focus on speed, user feedback, and iterative refinement.
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The Flipside


Agility Gets you to the starting line – Adaptability wins the race!

In a recent article in Forbes magazine, Steve Denning, a leader in agile management, leadership, and innovation, persuasively argues that only the agile will survive. He suggests that COVID-19, which we all agree is now the mother of all disruptions, will accelerate a new way of working, playing, learning, leading and even living.

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