
The Cyber Sheild: A Blueprint for Digital Security & Resilience

The Cyber Sheild: A Blueprint for Digital Security & Resilience

The Ransomware Menace

Ransomware is a concern across all industries.  High-profile attacks make headlines and cause substantial disruptions. The reason these attacks are successful is often inadequate monitoring and a broad attack surface. Many organizations fail to implement best practices such as multi-factor authentication (MFA), change management, and proper access controls. This lack of stringent security measures makes it easy for attackers to use social engineering to walk in through the front door, gain a foothold, and deploy ransomware.

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Build a Cyber-Resilient Organization

People have always topped the list of what keeps enterprise executives up at night. Leaders wonder, “Is the right talent in the right places?” and “How do we maximize employee productivity and improve our customer experience?” Now two years into the pandemic, executives have a new people-related concern, “How do we stop bad actors from compromising our data and stealing it for gain?”
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Biggest Lie in the World (and Kevin’s Famous Chili Recipe)

He spilled the whole batch in the lobby, and no one got a bite. But that doesn’t mean his famous recipe is gone forever. A clever TikTok-er revealed that Peacock TV’s terms and conditions includes Kevin’s chili recipe buried in the tiny print as a reward for the very, very small percentage of subscribers who read the details.


Almost No One Reads the Terms and Conditions

Most apps or services require you to click a box to agree to their terms and conditions for use.…

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How to Keep Employee Home Wireless Networks from Being Weakest Link your Cybersecurity Chain

Now that we are slowly coming out of the COVID-19 Pandemic, work might never return to the “normal” of employees spending the majority of their days in an office building. Remote working, or some hybrid, is probably here to stay, says Forbes Magazine. How much did the Pandemic effect our working habits? Pew Research reported in December of 2020 that roughly 20% worked from home before the coronavirus outbreak and that number quickly ratcheting up to 71% during the outbreak. They also report that 54% would want to work from home after the outbreak ends.
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GDPR 2021 – Compliance and Penalties; 3 Years Later

The General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, is a major piece of legislation adopted in 2018. It is designed to address the protection and responsible use of every European Union citizen’s personal data. However, GDPR is not an EU-only regulation. It affects ANY business or individual handling the data of EU citizens, regardless of where that business or individual is based.
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Ransomware Reality and Survival

Ransomware is making headlines everywhere. From the energy industry (Colonial Pipeline’s ransom payment of $4.4M) to the food industry (JBS Foods’ ransom payment of $11M), mounting data suggests this insidious trend may be getting out of control.
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Making the move to zero trust architecture: 4 key considerations

New approaches to innovative security architectures are starting to emerge, including HPE’s groundbreaking Project Aurora. Here’s how to make zero trust architecture work for your business.

The broad concept of zero trust architecture has achieved wide acceptance in the marketplace, but exactly what it entails has been a subject of debate and even some confusion.

Fortunately, we’re moving beyond that now.…

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