Digital transformation

When it comes to Digital Transformation, Don’t Forget Security

Digital transformation (DX) is the natural evolution of traditional business operations allowing organizations to capitalize on the full capabilities of our technological advancements, meet consumer expectations and keep competitors at bay (or at least be on par with them). DX isn’t just a cookie cutter deployment of on-prem systems migrated to the ‘cloud.’ In fact, that in itself may be considered a terrible cloud migration strategy resulting in more risk and costs (leaky S3 bucket anyone?).
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Be Better Prepared for Black Swan Events with Digital Transformation

A black swan event is an incident that is unpredictable and has widespread ramifications – and, after it occurs, many say it actually was predictable. Examples of recent black swan events include the dot-com crash in 2000, the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, and the 2008 global financial meltdown. And, many now believe the COVID-19 crisis is a black swan event.
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How Digital Transformation Navigates Disruption to Chart A Better Course to the New Normal

A discussion on how HPE Pointnext Services advises organizations on using digital transformation to take advantage of new and emerging market opportunities.

Dana Gardner: Hello, and welcome to the next edition of the BriefingsDirect Voice of Innovation podcast series.

I’m Dana Gardner, Principal Analyst at Interarbor Solutions, your host and moderator for this timely discussion on architecting businesses for managing ongoing disruption.…

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Five steps to transform to on-premises cloud services

Not all applications can be run in the public cloud. Here's how to get the cloud to come to you. By now, the benefits of the cloud are well known: reduced costs, improved scalability, increased efficiency, and more agility. But not all enterprise applications, workloads, and data are suited for it. Compliance and security issues prevent moving some to the public cloud, while complex dependencies among applications won't allow others to run there. In some cases, it is financially unfeasible or impractical to move them.
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Working—and Thriving—in the Age of Digital Transformation

In the past decade, we’ve experienced a global acceleration of digital transformation as many things that we once did in-person are now routinely done online—communicating, shopping, dating, finding entertainment, and applying for jobs, to name a few. One area that has undergone a particularly dramatic change is employment as people’s desires (and fears) around working from home have been realized, either by choice or by mandate.
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