HPE User Group

Democratization of AI in the Enterprise

The democratization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) makes it easier for organizations to transform their business with AI. It wasn't that long ago that applying AI to transform a business required a lot of technical expertise and hiring resources from a scarce talent pool. Let alone the expensive infrastructure to achieve such a feat. And something that only larger organizations can afford and justify as they are working on solving significant problems.
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How to Safeguard Your Data & Applications from Ransomware

It’s ugly out there. Each week, we all see the news reports about more and more companies and organizations falling victim to ransomware and the trend is accelerating. No doubt, you or your colleagues work in or are aware of organizations that have been hit by ransomware over the last few years and had the unenviable responsibility of scrambling to recover data, applications, workloads, and systems in the aftermath of an attack.
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The Year in Review Around the Storage Block

Wow, what happened to 2021! You’d think all the time spent at home over the last 20 months would mean 2021 would crawl by but that’s not the case. I’m particularly reflective as I write this article because today I’m also celebrating my 38th work anniversary with HPE. The pace of change has accelerated from when I started working at HPE and especially recently. Let’s look at some of the big moments in 2021 Around the Storage Block.
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Maximize your cloud experience everywhere

I often get asked if people really care about Hybrid Cloud. Of course, customers do. Not only do they care, but it’s also the reality. According to the latest State of the Cloud report from Flexera, 80% of customers agree that they will operate in a Hybrid Cloud going forward. I think customers realize that it’s not all-or-nothing when it comes to cloud, and they start to pay a lot more attention to placing their workloads in the most appropriate locations.
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XYPRO – Best of NonStop 2021

Have we become numb to the news of security breaches? Unfortunately, the attacks on our businesses, personal lives and even global infrastructure are not slowing down. Cybercrime is up over 600% during the pandemic. According to Verizon’s 2021 Data Breach Investigation Report, 61% of cyberattacks targeted credential theft. This far surpasses personal, banking and payment card information which have been primary targets for years. The cybersecurity industry has responded with a variety of ways to protect sensitive data with regulations, technology, and awareness, which has forced attackers to look for easier targets, such as usernames and passwords.
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The Flipside


Agility Gets you to the starting line – Adaptability wins the race!

In a recent article in Forbes magazine, Steve Denning, a leader in agile management, leadership, and innovation, persuasively argues that only the agile will survive. He suggests that COVID-19, which we all agree is now the mother of all disruptions, will accelerate a new way of working, playing, learning, leading and even living.

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