A Note From Connect Leadership

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]Greetings NonStop Community,

I hope all of you enjoyed your summer and are excited for the upcoming fall with the TUG season back in full force!

September brought us Mint Juleps and the Southern Charm of ATUG followed by Caesars in the friendly North at CTUG, while October will be all about Margaritas and delicious food at MexTUG. There is something for everyone and I hope you all got/will get to enjoy at least one of them.

The vendor community also just had their annual internal HPE meeting at the NonStop Partner Symposium in San Jose. As always, it was an excellent and highly informative meeting and a chance for thoughtful discussion among Partners and the Product Management team.

But obviously the meeting everyone is most hyped for is the grand NonStop Technical Boot Camp. The team at Connect has been hard at work to make this one better than ever with informative sessions, ample networking time, and great parties to boot. The NonStop Under 40 group will be doing their now annual Pub Crawl and even have a new Hackathon taking place. This year’s conference party will be driven by Geeks that Drink, which will be an interactive trivia party (with drinks of course)! Please be sure to check out the TBC website for more details and to register.

That’s it for now and please enjoy this issue of The Connection with our compliments.

Navid Khodayari
Connect Worldwide President[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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